Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Ah, finals week. I hate and love this week at the same time.
Got fully registered for the next semester, so I'm all prepped for the new year, academically speaking. Still, that leaves what I'm planning to do over the break. I've no job, and I'm thinking about doing some freelancing stuff. Sounds like fun and everything, but I don't know where the hell to start. It drives me nuts!
I'm looking through a bunch of magazines to get some idea of where to start off, but I'm still not sure what I want to write about. It's really frustrating, but then it's a little exciting to write on something and stuff. Crap, I just realized... this is like extra report writing!! Noooo!!!!

Friday, November 27, 2009

'Tis The Season...

Ah, finals... man, I just love that feeling when I'm running all over the place trying to get a paper started... Yup, procrastinating is the shizzits.
It's weird, though, that you come up with the best stuff when you're under pressure. I remember having to write this short story once for my English class in high school-- left it for the night before. In the end, I wrote five pages too many and landed me an A minus. O_o I found it really weird because that teacher was a BITCH and looked more likely to give you a double F minus than an A.
Still, I think that I'm losing that edge. Right now, I'm stuck with THREE papers to write.
Three papers!
Sucks balls, but what can you do? I don't know where to start-- and yet here I am, spending what precious time I have writing a blog post instead of working on a report about the Rastafari, ganja, and drug policies in Jamaica and a kinship report. Fucking anthropology (can't live with it, can't live without it).
Registration time is also around the corner, so even more shit to figure out. I'm thinking of taking Italian next semester (thanks a lot, Ezio-hehe, geddit? Ezio, Assassin's Creed...meh, whatever.) and maybe another class on writing or something. For some odd reason, though, the school says I need permission. Now that's just fucking great-- I have to wait for the entire holiday break to end until I sort this out. Curse you, Thanksgiving!!
Anyways, I guess I should stop ranting about these petty misfortunes and just get these chores over with...
In the next day or two...

Thursday, November 19, 2009

A Time for Thanks...Or Not

Thanksgiving's coming up, and I'm once again surprised to see that there are already commercials put up for Christmas celebration and specials at stores and everything. Mind you, I've been seeing these commercials since right after Halloween. What the hell?

Is Christmas really that big that it just overshadows the other holidays preceding it? I have to say, this is really fucked up. I know that this is all done for the holiday sales and everything, but jeebus! Right after Halloween? Are you kidding me?!

Also, what is up with disney making yet again another remake of A Christmas Carol?! That movie has more remakes than King Kong. Well, at least this happens once every decade (by the looks of it) and not every single fuckign year. For that, you have Broadway.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that we should give Thanksgiving some credit, since it does come before Christmas and is the times that we should give thanks. Some of you might save the giving of thanks for Christmas dinner, but it's really around Thanksgiving. Christmas should just stay as the holiday where we all get some cool shit ffor gifts. Or crappy, depends on what the gift is.

Hmm, I guess I'm done with the ranting now. Happy holidays!! :D

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

An Act of Desperation

It's been a really long while since I've posted up anything on this site. Gah! I've been so distracted with other things that it's hard to keep track of anything these days. I've been putting up some posts at a couple of sites, trying to get my work noticed one way or the other. So far, it's not going so well. Audience as dry as a desert. It's kinda hard, though, since I can't come up with anything to write! If there's one thing I hate, it's trying to look for inspiration when you can't find it. That and you head going off in three different directions at once. It pisses me off a bit.
So far, I found out that my school newpaper is hiring! I'm so excited about this so I'm thinking about writing something for the newspaper. And then I'm stuck.
It's the same thing with my reports that I have to write for my classes. In a sense, it stresses me out a bit, but getting writer's block for a report is pretty much common for everyone. Still, it doesn't cange the fact that I'm once again in bed with procrastination.
Well, time to get cracking on the things that matter. I need to find some things that might intrigue me for my next post. Wish me luck!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Work and...More Work

It's been a while...
I finally got myself a job, thank God. I'm working as a salesperson for a nutrition company-- noyce, lol! Just started this week, so I'm hoping that this will serve me well in the future. Lord knows I'm broke as fuck.
I also started a new account somewhere-- Deviantart!!! Hellz yeahs!! Posted up some of my work, and I just found out that I can put up my stories on the site as well!! I'm gonna be whoring out the scanner, that's for sure...
Well, if you're interested in seeing my work, my link is http://crutches08.deviantart.com/ and I would advise checking out some of the other works on the site too; there's some fucking awesome works on this site, even animations!! Yeah...just check it out. XD


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Marriage Wars

Yeah, so I heard that four states have now legalized gay marriage. Kudos to the bigwigs in the state legislation for making a stand for the LGBT community! ^^
Now, I heard of this commercial against this whole thing from the National Organization of Marriage (for some odd reason, I'm finding this whole organization hard to believe, one of those WTF moments for me) where they're saying that legalizing gay mariage is going to force them to change their lives or some shit like that. Honestly, I'm lost. How on earth is legalizing gay marriage forcing people to change their lifestyle? I see a change in society, but not much change in how we live. If you ask me, these people are taking this thing way too far.
Also, I think that it's a weak ass argument to say that gay marriage is bad because that's not what God wants. This whole religion issue just pisses me off. Doesn't God say that we shouldn't pass swift judgement on others based on their appearance? Yeah, he also says that judgement should be brought on to the wicked or something like that, but this really doesn't justify their posistion on not legalizing gay marriage.
In a nutshell, gay marriage being legal is not the end of the world. It's not like a black hole will open in the universe or the apocalypse will spontaneously take place. Yeah, there's gonna be major change in our lives, but to those that think that their democracy is being endangered with this whole thing should stop thinking about themselves. In truth, the only people who has a right to say that are the ones in the LGBT community. Other than that, there's really nothing else to say on the matter.

Laters!! ^^

P.S. If you want to see this ad that the NOM released, here's the link:


Saturday, March 21, 2009

Lily's Ranting Hour: More Effective than Anger Management!!!

Because of the already stressed out state that I'm in, I feel like ranting about something today. Actually, I feel like ranting about a LOT of things today. So, welcome, ladies and gents, to Lily's Ranting Hour!!!

Today's Topic: Incessant Whiners!!!

Let's face it-- we all whine and complain about something. But there are some who are bored enough to turn this into a living (*cough* Rush Limbaugh *cough*). the only thing I have to say to you dudes is this... GROW THE FUCK UP.

First off, let's start with the people who are criticizing Obama for not keeping up on his promises or whatever. The only situation I do know about is him pushing back the timeline for witdrawing troops from Iraq to sixteen months or so. Minute that leaked out, everyone feels betrayed. Listen, folks, Obama's not God, and he's definitely not fucking Santa Claus. He's human; we can't expect him to do everything at once, especially with this crisis we're in which happens to be his number one priority right now. Also, we elected the dude like what, three months ago? And the whining has already started?! WTF!!!???!!!!
Oh yeah, and the Limbaugh crack earlier... in January, he said that he hope Obama would fail in getting us out of this economy. Gee, what a brilliant idea, Rush. And would get us out of this mess if he fails, you? I think not. Seriously, dude, if you have nothing nice -- or smart-- to say, don't say anything at all. And this goes to anyone who's still feeling bitter over the election: if you don't like the fact that Obama's running the country now, live with it. Another four years of hating some president you think is stupid won't hurt you. Not that Obama's stupid-- he's cool. :D

Also, there's the incessant whiners in general. SHUT THE FUCK UP!!! Let me take you on a trip to memory lane and look back in my high school years...
There was this girl in my school who I had some classes with. Let's call her Bob. She was pretty smart, was on the honor roll and everything freshman year. Next year, the first marking period is over and we get our report cards. I get mine back- turns out my grades went from eighty something to 75. I'm only happy that I didn't fail. Bob's grades dropped down too... three points. Oh, no!! My life has ended!!! Woe is me!!! She starts telling everyone of her traumatizing report card. Gimme a break...
If there's one thing I hate in the world, it's people like Bob who fret over small things like your grade dropping down by 0.0000001 points. It's pathetic and friggin' annoying. Like anybody besides your parents cares about that. Now, if it dropped to somewhere in the 60s or 50s, then you should start freaking out. and of course, this is the only thing I can relate to. Sucks, doesn't it?
Moral of the story: Be happy with what you got. Life isn't fair, and things don't always work out the way you want it to, but if you would rather whine and bitch about something instead of working with what you have, then you truly are as pathetic as we thought.

Laters!! ^^

Friday, February 27, 2009

Finally, it's Friday!!! Sweet, sweet Friday... no school, whoo hoo!

But now I'm gonna be running all over the place. I feel so stressed out these days, I have so many things on my mind that I don't know what to do most of the time. Oh, and New Year's resolutions SUCK ASS for those that can't commit to change. Case in point: yours truly.

The only thing that makes me really happy right now is that February is almost over. I don't know why, but I really really HATE this month. For some odd reason, it makes me think of pink. I'm not sure if everyone else thinks that, but whatever, I'm just wierd like that. Oh, and Valentine's Day. Worst. Day. Ever.

My book still hasn't come from Amazon. Starting to get pissed off a little. I'm thinking about calling them in the morning, settle this matter and everything. Me want book!! >:(

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Dangers of Shopping Online

AAAAARGHHHHH!!!!!! God damn Amazon!!!!

It's been over three weeks and my order hasn't arrived yet!!! Revenge is in order!!!!! This is the last time that I'm ordering online!!! I've been jipped for seven bucks and ninety-eight cents!! WTF?! I've heard of desperate, but this is ridiculous!!

Word of advice: If you're gonna buy online, buy online from a well known store, like Barnes and Noble or Best Buy. Can't trust anybody for jack shit these days from free market websites. EVIL!!!!!!

Damn, this sucks- -first time I'm buying stuff online and this shit happens to me. O_O Well, that'll teach me...

Anyways, beware of the evilness of Amazon and eBay!!! Beware...

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

My First Blog, Take 2 (The Devil Called Materialism)

Damn, this paper is harder to write than I thought...
I'm trying to write a report on materialism and its effects on society. And boy, is it hard. I was getting materialism in philosophy and christian articles!! O_o I didn't even know that materialism had anything to do with stuff like that. Hm, I guess you learn something new every day... did you know that people who live in a materialistic lifestyle are less happy than people who know better than to waste their money on worthless crap? (http://www.spring.org.uk/2008/01/experiences-beat-possessions-why.php)
Anyways, working on this paper got me thinking. I know that it's supposed to get me thinking, of course, but I have so many things to say about people like this that I don't know what to say first. But if you think about it, if we weren't so obsessed with buying things just so that we can fit in, we wouldn't be ending up somewhere far worse off than we were before. I guess the shit that's going on with the economy has brought us back to our senses a little bit, but there are still those that go all crazy with their credit card when they go into Macy's.
Talking about this makes me think about my brother.Every time he gets his monthly wages from whatever job he's working, he spends it on video games and clothes. And that's about it. I get so pissed off when I see him doing stuff like that, it makes me want to punch him in the face. >:(
Bottom line, there is more to life than a fancy ass pair of stilletos. And if you think otherwise, ask yourself this: would you rather be left alone in the middle of a desert with only a big roast turkey or your stylish shoes?

My first blog! Yay!!!

Well, here's my first blog on this site... really don't have much to say. I guess I'll come up with some good things to talk about later on, when I have the time. Something that I really don't have right now (yikes!!). Yup, that's riht folks-- I should be doing homework right now instead of this. Not going on very well, but you would feel frustrated when you find out that there are a crapload of different meanings for one friggin' concept. Grr!!!!
Looks like it's time to go and get some stuff done without really getting anywhere. Damn search engines...