Friday, November 27, 2009

'Tis The Season...

Ah, finals... man, I just love that feeling when I'm running all over the place trying to get a paper started... Yup, procrastinating is the shizzits.
It's weird, though, that you come up with the best stuff when you're under pressure. I remember having to write this short story once for my English class in high school-- left it for the night before. In the end, I wrote five pages too many and landed me an A minus. O_o I found it really weird because that teacher was a BITCH and looked more likely to give you a double F minus than an A.
Still, I think that I'm losing that edge. Right now, I'm stuck with THREE papers to write.
Three papers!
Sucks balls, but what can you do? I don't know where to start-- and yet here I am, spending what precious time I have writing a blog post instead of working on a report about the Rastafari, ganja, and drug policies in Jamaica and a kinship report. Fucking anthropology (can't live with it, can't live without it).
Registration time is also around the corner, so even more shit to figure out. I'm thinking of taking Italian next semester (thanks a lot, Ezio-hehe, geddit? Ezio, Assassin's Creed...meh, whatever.) and maybe another class on writing or something. For some odd reason, though, the school says I need permission. Now that's just fucking great-- I have to wait for the entire holiday break to end until I sort this out. Curse you, Thanksgiving!!
Anyways, I guess I should stop ranting about these petty misfortunes and just get these chores over with...
In the next day or two...

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