Wednesday, November 4, 2009

An Act of Desperation

It's been a really long while since I've posted up anything on this site. Gah! I've been so distracted with other things that it's hard to keep track of anything these days. I've been putting up some posts at a couple of sites, trying to get my work noticed one way or the other. So far, it's not going so well. Audience as dry as a desert. It's kinda hard, though, since I can't come up with anything to write! If there's one thing I hate, it's trying to look for inspiration when you can't find it. That and you head going off in three different directions at once. It pisses me off a bit.
So far, I found out that my school newpaper is hiring! I'm so excited about this so I'm thinking about writing something for the newspaper. And then I'm stuck.
It's the same thing with my reports that I have to write for my classes. In a sense, it stresses me out a bit, but getting writer's block for a report is pretty much common for everyone. Still, it doesn't cange the fact that I'm once again in bed with procrastination.
Well, time to get cracking on the things that matter. I need to find some things that might intrigue me for my next post. Wish me luck!

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